Rocky Mountain Rebel Renovations Is Proud To Be A Woman Led Business

For Rocky Mountain Rebel Renovations, being a woman led trades business is not just about the work itself; it's about the transformative power of diversity and the untapped potential that women bring to the trades.

It’s about pioneering change, proving that gender should never be a barrier to success in any industry. We hope to be an inspiration for women everywhere, and that we are showing that the trades are not reserved for one gender but are open to all who are passionate and skilled.

Where We Work

You’ll find Rocky Mountain Rebel Renovations working in and around Calgary. We also service the following areas: Airdrie, Bearspaw, Balzac, Chestermere and Cochrane.

We are also able to provide our services outside of our regular service area, however, this will incur a travel fee.

Built By A Woman

RMRR is founded by a woman, and proudly operates as a woman-led business. With a deep commitment to excellence and innovation, our company embraces diversity and inclusivity, recognizing the invaluable contributions of women in the home improvement industry. As trailblazers in our field, we strive to empower women in leadership roles and inspire positive change within our community and beyond.

Women Empowering Women

Supporting Woman-Led Businesses

At RMRR, we are dedicated to championing the success of other women-led businesses. We reject the notion that women are inherently competitive and recognize the systemic obstacles that limit opportunities for women in various industries. Rather than viewing women as competitors fighting for a single seat at the table, we believe in collaboration and solidarity. Our mission is to create more spaces for women and to support their ventures, fostering a culture of empowerment and abundance.

We understand that true progress comes from lifting each other up, not tearing each other down. By actively promoting and investing in woman-led businesses, we aim to dismantle the scarcity mindset and cultivate an environment where women can thrive. Together, we can challenge outdated notions of competition and scarcity, and pave the way for a future where all women have equal opportunities to succeed and flourish.

Why It’s Important To Support Woman Led Businesses

Supporting women-led businesses is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. By backing women entrepreneurs, we contribute to breaking down systemic barriers and biases that have historically hindered women's economic empowerment. Furthermore, supporting women-led businesses helps to diversify industries, bring new perspectives to the table, and drive innovation. When women succeed in business, they reinvest in their communities, create job opportunities, and serve as role models for future generations of aspiring entrepreneurs. Ultimately, supporting women-led businesses is not just about gender equality—it's about harnessing the full potential of our collective talent and creativity to build a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.

Featuring Woman Led Businesses And The Women At Their Helm With Our Built By A Woman Blogging Series

At RMRR, we are incredibly proud to host our ongoing blogging series titled Built By A Woman, where we shine a spotlight on the remarkable achievements of women leaders and entrepreneurs around the world.

Through this series, we celebrate the diverse talents and contributions of women across various industries, showcasing their innovative projects and inspiring stories. Built By A Woman is more than just a series—it's a platform for empowerment and recognition, highlighting the incredible work being done by women in leadership roles.

Our Built By A Woman series is an ongoing initiative, and we invite women-led businesses to reach out to us if they would like to be featured. We are deeply committed to fostering a community of support and collaboration among women leaders, entrepreneurs, and trailblazers.

Being counted among this incredible community means the world to us, and we are honoured to play a part in amplifying the voices and accomplishments of women in diverse fields.

How To Be Featured

If you're interested in being featured in our Built By A Woman blogging series, simply fill out the form conveniently located on the right side of this page. Additionally, please send us a landscape photo and a square photo to, ensuring that you have the necessary rights to these images.

These visuals will be used to promote your article on Instagram and serve as the hero image for your feature on our website. Rest assured, before publishing anything, we'll run all content by you to ensure your complete satisfaction with the final result. We're dedicated to showcasing your achievements authentically and accurately, and we look forward to collaborating with you to share your story with our audience.

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